Going to college is not simply about getting a job. While the main reason that people attend college is to receive higher levels of education is specific fields so that you are prepared for a job when you graduate, there are many other important things that college offers students. In America, there are many different types of college that prepare you for life on your own in different ways. In a two year institution, it focuses on giving you the necessary skills for a job in a specific field at a much cheaper price; it is basically two years of job training. There are also four year schools that have main schools of focus inside of them like Clemson, that greatly increase your knowledge, ability, and job readiness in one field while also furthering your education less in others. In a liberal arts school, you amass a great wealth of overall education over four years and even more in one field.
Employers today are looking for workers who come in ready to work, and this is why college is becoming more and more important in the competitive job market. Though the idea of getting paid to be trained is a good idea in theory, no employer would want to pay to train someone, especially if there are people who not only have the skills necessary, but are well versed in other fields that could be beneficial as well. Therefore, college is a way of getting ahead of the competition. Then it becomes a matter of which type of higher education is best for the job you want out of the choices I mentioned above
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